- 01.阿凡达2:水之道
- 02.流浪地球2
- 03.哥斯拉大战金刚
- 04.异形:夺命舰
- 05.扎克·施奈德版正义联盟
- 06.明日之战
- 07.传说2024/神话2
- 08.黑神话:悟空
- 09.明日战记
- 10.月球陨落
- 11.沙丘2
- 12.无限2021
- 13.银河护卫队2
- 14.哥斯拉大战金刚2:帝国崛起
- 15.穿越
- Titled Andròn – The Black Labyrinth the film explores what happens to a group of prisoners who find themselves trapped in a mysterious and deadly maze, according to the official deion. They don’t remember how they got there. They don’t even remember their names. They will have to find answers, to decipher the signs, understand the codes and they have to face a dangerous journey to discover the secret of Andròn. Forced to form bonds in order to survive, the group struggles to find a way out while the outside world watches and places wagers on their fates.