- 01.阿凡达2:水之道
- 02.流浪地球2
- 03.哥斯拉大战金刚
- 04.异形:夺命舰
- 05.扎克·施奈德版正义联盟
- 06.明日之战
- 07.传说2024/神话2
- 08.黑神话:悟空
- 09.明日战记
- 10.月球陨落
- 11.沙丘2
- 12.无限2021
- 13.银河护卫队2
- 14.哥斯拉大战金刚2:帝国崛起
- 15.穿越
- Madison, a single mother who with her children is awoken nightly by an increasingly strange and intense presence. She seeks help from her scientist boyfriend Nikolai, who begins a hunt to destroy the violent spirit that paranormal experts are too frightened to take on.